Completed using tilt-up construction, the 76,000 sf two-story office building includes a 2,000-sf data center and is certified LEED Silver. Sustainable features include a raised floor, which allows ready access to cabling and systems for future modifications, external light louvers as well as internal light shelves and occupancy sensors.
76,000 SF / 2,000 SF Data Center / LEED Silver
Client: Suncor Energy (U.S.A.) Inc.
Architect: Intergroup Architects
Awards: Excellence in Construction Award - ABC National Chapter / Tilt-Up Achievement Award - Tilt-Up Concrete Association

“The AP team materially affected the outcome of the project by creative sequencing of work, providing cost saving ideas, and effectively managing and coordinating their subcontractors. AP performed well in the areas of safety, schedule, quality, cost, scope control and responsiveness.”
— Thomas Anton, Suncor Energy, Inc.